The Robin Project Part 6 - Recording MIDI CC Curves
This installment looks at recording MIDI Control Change Curves to control the details available through the various parameters of your...
The Robin Project Part 5 - Using Plug-Ins and MIRPro
We're all set with our Notion score, We've created a VSL Ensemble and assigned VIenna Symphonic Library instruments to it. How about...
The Robin Project Part 4 - Inserting and Assigning VSL Instruments
We've created a Vienna Ensemble instance, and it's waiting for instruments. How do we insert instuments into it? How do we assign those...
The Robin Project Part 3 - Create a VE Instance
We've got a score in place. Now we need to create a Vienna Ensemble instance in order to play it back.

Robin - A Notion/VSL Project - Introduction
Some folks on the various online communities that deal with Notion and virtual orchestration have encouraged me to post a blog to explain...